AMD FX8350 Processor
Piledriver microarchitecture, a tuned-up Bulldozer, has finally reached the flagship AMD FX processors (the new FX series processors are codenamed as Vishera) for improved performance and better energy-efficiency. Up to eight “Piledriver” cores ensure unrivaled multitasking and pure core performance. The AMD Turbo Core technology pushes your core frequencies to the most when you need it most. To top it off, like all other AMD’s Black Edition processors, the new AMD FX 8-core Vishera processor black edition is unlocked for fabulous overclocking* capability. Unrivaled performance is not the only trick AMD has up their sleeve. Vishera processors are at a reasonable price point. (*AMD’s product warranty does not cover damage caused by overclocking even when overclocking is enabled via AMD Overdrive software.)
Specifications of AMD FX8350 Processor:
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